A question mark is placed at the end of a sentence that asks a question. Questions end in both rising and falling intonation. If the sentence ends in falling intonation, the voice tone goes down at the end of the sentence, much like musical notes on a piano. If a sentence ends in rising intonation, the voice tone goes up at the end of the sentence.
Falling Intonation
Questions that begin with who, what, when, where, why, which, and how (often referred to as “wh-questions”) usually end in falling intonation.
What time is it?
Who is she?
When is he coming?
Who is she?
When is he coming?
Also, commands and statements end in falling intonation. Commands and statements end in a period.
Shut the door.
Shut the door.
Write your name.
The color is blue.
It is raining.
It is raining.