Here is an inspiring TED talk that causes me to reflect on why I do what I do for my profession. As a little background on myself, I completed a Masters degree in Teaching English to Speakers Other Languages (TESOL). I have taught English in the U.S. and in various countries around the world. In addition to teaching English with the intention of helping individuals improve the quality of their lives, I have discovered another passion in my current position as the Curriculum Director at Reading Horizons: Literacy. I have blogged about creating literacy curriculum in my blog post here.
A colleague introduced me to this TED talk by Simon Sinek entitled "How Great Leaders Inspire Action." It is worth 18 minutes of your time to watch and reflect on why you do what you do.
A colleague introduced me to this TED talk by Simon Sinek entitled "How Great Leaders Inspire Action." It is worth 18 minutes of your time to watch and reflect on why you do what you do.