In a previous post, I shared examples of minimal pairs that can be used to help students practice consonant sounds in English. In this post, I am sharing minimal pairs that can be used to practice vowel sounds in English. (See also Part 3 for minimal pairs practice with murmur diphthongs and special vowels sounds.)
Contrast the Following Sounds:
/ă/ and /ĕ/ | /ŭ/ and /ŏ/ | /ĕ/ and /ā/ | /ĭ/ and /ĕ/ |
bag beg tan ten fan fen pat pet bat bet sat set ham hem rad red pan pen mat met and end man men sad said gas guess had head | hut hot sup sop gut got nut not mud mod sub sob rub rob cup cop cub cob cut cot dug dog hug hog jug job pup pop bus boss miss mess bucks box duck dock bum bomb but bought putt pot | bet bait gel jail let late pen pain pest paste sent saint shed shade test taste west waist wet wait fell fail let late get gate sell sale tell tale fed fade wed wade less lace shell shale chess chase | bit bet him hem lid led pig peg sit set tint tent will well miss mess lift left gym gem spill spell knit net chick check did dead bid bed big beg hid head pit pet |
/ē/ and /ĭ/ | /ŏ/ and /ar/ | ||
teen tin heap hip heel hill peel pill eel ill deep dip green grin greet grit sleep slip meet mitt sheen shin sheep ship cheap chip sleeper slipper wheat whit deeper dipper | jaw jar dock dark lock lark mock mark pock park shock shark box barks hawk hark knock nark laws Lars hot heart cot cart clock Clark |
Note: Information adapted from the Decoding Strategies for Literacy Development manual published by Reading Horizons.
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