Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"If You Had $100 Billion to Give Away, How Would You Spend It?" - Literacy Video Clip

I was introduced to a website today that I thought was worth sharing: The website shows short video clips of experts in a variety of fields sharing "ideas" by responding to a question posed to them. Some of the video clips have transcripts provided as well. You can peruse by topics, or you can conduct a keyword search for a topic or person of interest. Also, viewers can post responses and reactions to the experts' views.
I clicked on the "philanthropy" topic and then did a keyword search for "literacy" and came across a video clip I really enjoyed. This particular video clip shows Jim Barksdale, former president and CEO of Netscape, responding to the question, "If you had $100 billion to give away, how would you spend it?" His response regarding the idea of using money to solve problems of the world (and how he would spend the money) is insightful, especially in light of the fact mentioned in his biography that he donated $100 million to fund literacy efforts for individuals in his home state of Mississippi. View the literacy video clip.

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